McDole Veterinary Services

Anna N. McDole, DVM

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The Pet Page
This is a place for clients to share photos of your pets!

If you have a photo of your pet,
and you give McDole Veterinary Services your permission to use it,
you can e-mail us the picture along with the information
about your pet that you'd like to share.

click to e-mail:



Here is a link to our memorial page:
In Memoriam

Featured Pets

Molly Matsudaira

Molly Matsudaira, copyright 2010 Anna McDole

Photo by Anna McDole

Henri Matsudaira

Henri Matsudaira, copyright 2010 Anna McDole

Photo by Anna McDole

Roxy Hele

Roxy Hele, copyright 20010 Anna McDole

Photo by Anna McDole

Now here's a few more of our favorite patients

Chewy Arends

Chewy, copyright March 22, 2008 Anna McDole

Chewy wanted a pedicure to get ready for Easter.
He wasn't so sure about sitting still for this picture, though.
He had important things to do!

Photo by Anna McDole (on cell phone!)

Miyamoto Musashi Brash

Moto, copyright 2008 Bobbie Climer

Moto was adopted from a shelter in China.
He had to learn to trust people,
but after lots of care and attention from his new family,
Moto loves people and is a superbly behaved patient as well!

Bobbie Climer Photography

Samwise Brash

Sam, copyright 2008 Bobbie climer

Sam is very tolerant of his little brother, Moto.
He lets Moto jump all over him and chew on his ears,
and he's careful not to be too rough when they play.
Sammy is also very gentle around the newest addition to the family,
his human baby sister.

Bobbie Climer Photography

Roxy Hele

Roxy Hele, copyright 2010 Anna McDole

Photo by Anna McDole

Roxy Hele

Roxy Hele, copyright 2010 Anna McDole

Another image of Roxy.

Photo by Anna McDole

Cheyenne Livingston

Cheyenne, copyright 2009 Livingston

Cheyenne says, "Hi!"

Henri Matsudaira

Henri Matsudaira, copyright 2010 Anna McDole

"Henri is a very busy boy and wants to play 24/7.
He is also very social and loves being the center of attention."

Photo by Anna McDole

Henri Matsudaira

Henri Matsudaira, copyright 2010 Judy Patterson-Matsudaira

Henri "really needed a sister and now that he has Molly, his life is complete
and he never gets bored. He makes sure that Molly knows he is the boss."

Photo by Judy Patterson-Matsudaira

Molly Matsudaira

Molly Matsudaira, copyright 2010 Anna McDole

"Molly is sweet, patient and tolerant, she allows Henri to play rough
with her most of the time. However, at times when she has had enough,
she will let Henri know in no uncertain terms and she lets Henri have it."

Photo by Anna McDole

Molly Matsudaira

Molly Matsudaira, copyright 2010 Judy Patterson-Matsudaira

"I think Henri very much enjoys it when Molly gets mad
and he tries to provoke it.
They also love each other, giving each other kisses sometimes.
What a pair! Perfect!"

Photo and comments by Judy Patterson-Matsudaira

The McDole Critters

Follow this link to see some of the pictures I have in digital format.
There's several of my "kids" I still need to get photos of to share with you.
Dr. McDole's Family


Dr. McDole with her cat Becky, copyright 2003 Bobbie Climer

Dr. McDole with her cat Becky, 2003
Photo by Bobbie Climer

In Memoriam

Please follow this link to see some patients
and some of Dr. Anna's own pet family members
who now live in our hearts and our memories.
In Memoriam

Copyright © 2007-2008, McDole Veterinary Services. All rights reserved.

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